Carrying a concealed firearm is a significant responsibility that demands careful consideration and a commitment to safety. Whether for personal protection or as a part of your profession, selecting the right method for concealed carry is essential. In this article, we will explore the best ways to carry concealed, taking into account various factors like comfort, concealability, and accessibility.

Inside-the-Waistband (IWB) Holsters

Advantages of IWB Holsters

Inside-the-waistband (IWB) holsters are popular choices for concealed carry due to their discretion and comfort. These holsters are worn inside the pants, typically at the 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock position, and provide the following advantages:

  • Concealability: IWB holsters allow for deep concealment of your firearm, making it difficult for others to detect that you are carrying. Your firearm is covered by clothing, reducing the chances of printing (the visible outline of the gun).
  • Comfort: Many users find IWB holsters comfortable because they keep the firearm close to the body and distribute its weight across the beltline. Modern IWB holsters are designed to minimize discomfort.
  • Accessibility: IWB holsters provide easy access to your firearm. With practice, you can quickly draw your weapon when needed.

Considerations with IWB Holsters

  • Holster Material: Choose a high-quality IWB holster made from durable materials that retain their shape and provide retention for your firearm.
  • Clothing Choice: To effectively conceal with an IWB holster, you may need to adjust your clothing choices. Loose-fitting shirts or jackets can help prevent printing.

Outside-the-Waistband (OWB) Holsters

Advantages of OWB Holsters

Outside-the-waistband (OWB) holsters are carried outside your pants, usually at the 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock position. They offer several advantages:

  • Accessibility: OWB holsters provide quick and easy access to your firearm. Drawing from an OWB holster can be faster and more natural compared to IWB carry.
  • Comfort: OWB holsters often distribute the weight of the firearm evenly on your belt, which can be comfortable for many users.
  • Concealability with Appropriate Clothing: While OWB holsters are more challenging to conceal than IWB options, they can be effectively hidden with the right clothing choices like loose shirts or untucked jackets.

Considerations with OWB Holsters

  • Concealment: Achieving effective concealment with an OWB holster requires careful attention to clothing selection and holster design. You may need to invest in covering garments that hide your firearm.
  • Printing: Be aware of the potential for printing, especially when bending or reaching. Proper holster placement and clothing can help mitigate this issue.

Shoulder Holsters

Advantages of Shoulder Holsters

Shoulder holsters offer a unique and discreet method of concealed carry. They are worn under the clothing, with the holster attached to a harness that crosses your shoulders and runs under your armpits. The benefits of shoulder holsters include:

  • Comfort: Many users find shoulder holsters comfortable for extended periods, as they distribute the weight of the firearm evenly across your upper body.
  • Concealability: Shoulder holsters can be effective for concealment, as the holster and firearm are hidden beneath clothing, such as a jacket or untucked shirt.
  • Accessibility: Drawing from a shoulder holster can be swift, allowing for a quick response in certain situations.

Considerations with Shoulder Holsters

  • Cover Garments: Effective concealment with a shoulder holster often depends on wearing appropriate cover garments, such as jackets or vests. These garments help prevent the outline of the firearm from showing.
  • Practice: Drawing from a shoulder holster may require practice to become proficient. It can be more complex than other methods due to the cross-draw motion.

Appendix Inside-the-Waistband (AIWB) Holsters

Advantages of AIWB Holsters

Appendix inside-the-waistband (AIWB) holsters have gained popularity for their concealability and accessibility. They are carried in the front of the body, typically at the 12 o’clock to 2 o’clock position. AIWB holsters offer several advantages:

  • Concealability: AIWB holsters provide excellent concealment, especially with minimal printing. The firearm is positioned near your centerline, making it less visible.
  • Accessibility: Drawing from an AIWB holster is generally fast and straightforward, as the firearm is in a naturally accessible location.
  • Versatility: AIWB holsters can be adapted for different clothing choices, making them a versatile option for concealed carry.

Considerations with AIWB Holsters

  • Safety: When carrying AIWB, safety is of paramount importance. Proper trigger discipline and holster retention are crucial to prevent accidental discharges.
  • Comfort: The comfort of AIWB holsters varies among users. Experiment with different holsters and positions to find what works best for you.


Selecting the best way to carry concealed is a personal decision influenced by factors such as comfort, accessibility, concealability, and clothing choices. It’s essential to choose a method that suits your lifestyle and preferences while adhering to safety practices and legal regulations. Whichever method you choose, remember that responsible concealed carry requires training and a commitment to safe firearm handling. Surviving in today’s world may necessitate concealed carry, but it also demands the responsibility to do so safely and effectively.