In a survival situation, injuries and wounds can be a common occurrence. Ensuring that wounds are properly disinfected is crucial to prevent infection and promote healing. However, access to medical supplies may be limited in such scenarios. This article explores several methods for disinfecting wounds in a survival situation, using readily available resources and simple techniques.

1. Boiling Water

Boiling water is one of the most effective methods for disinfecting wounds in a survival situation. It can kill most bacteria, viruses, and parasites that may cause infection. Here’s how to use boiling water for wound disinfection:

  • Boil Water: If you have access to a fire or heating source, boil water for at least 5 minutes to ensure it’s safe for use. Allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature.
  • Clean the Wound: Gently clean the wound with the boiled water using a clean cloth or gauze. Make sure to remove any debris or foreign objects from the wound.
  • Irrigate the Wound: Pour the boiled and cooled water over the wound to thoroughly flush out any remaining dirt or contaminants.
  • Pat Dry: Use a clean cloth or gauze to pat the wound dry. Avoid rubbing, as it can introduce new contaminants.
  • Dress the Wound: Apply a sterile dressing or bandage to cover the wound and protect it from further contamination.

2. Saltwater Solution

A saltwater solution, or saline solution, can serve as a makeshift disinfectant for wounds in a survival situation. It helps cleanse the wound and create a less favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. Here’s how to prepare and use a saltwater solution:

  • Prepare the Solution: Mix one teaspoon of salt in a clean container with one liter of clean, drinkable water. Stir until the salt dissolves.
  • Clean the Wound: Gently clean the wound with the saltwater solution using a clean cloth or gauze. Ensure the wound is free from debris and foreign objects.
  • Irrigate the Wound: Carefully pour the saltwater solution over the wound to flush out any remaining contaminants.
  • Pat Dry: Use a clean cloth or gauze to pat the wound dry. Avoid any rubbing.
  • Dress the Wound: Apply a sterile dressing or bandage to cover the wound and prevent further contamination.

3. Honey

Honey has been used for centuries as a natural wound disinfectant and healing agent. Its high sugar content, low water content, and natural antibacterial properties make it effective in preventing infection. Here’s how to use honey for wound disinfection:

  • Select Raw Honey: In a survival situation, raw, unprocessed honey is preferable. It retains its natural antibacterial properties.
  • Clean the Wound: Gently clean the wound as best as you can, removing debris and contaminants.
  • Apply Honey: Spread a thin layer of honey over the wound. Ensure that the wound is entirely covered.
  • Dress the Wound: Place a sterile dressing or bandage over the wound to keep it clean and protect it from further contamination.
  • Monitor the Wound: Check the wound regularly for signs of infection. If the wound appears to worsen, consult a healthcare professional if possible.

4. Soap and Water

Soap and water are readily available resources for cleaning and disinfecting wounds in a survival situation. While they may not be as effective as boiling water or saltwater solution, they can still help reduce the risk of infection. Here’s how to use soap and water for wound disinfection:

  • Obtain Clean Water: Find a source of clean, drinkable water. If necessary, use a cloth or piece of clothing to filter out debris and particles.
  • Clean the Wound: Gently clean the wound using soap and water. Avoid using strongly scented or harsh soaps, as they may irritate the wound.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Ensure you rinse the wound thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Pat Dry: Use a clean cloth or gauze to pat the wound dry, avoiding any rubbing.
  • Dress the Wound: Apply a sterile dressing or bandage to protect the wound from further contamination.

5. Herbal Solutions

In some survival situations, you may have access to various plants and herbs with natural disinfectant properties. These herbal solutions can help cleanse and disinfect wounds. Here are a few examples:

  • Aloe Vera: The gel from the aloe vera plant has natural antibacterial properties and can help soothe and disinfect minor wounds.
  • Calendula: Calendula flowers, when made into a salve or infusion, can be applied to wounds to promote healing and disinfection.
  • Plantain Leaves: Crushed plantain leaves can be applied to wounds to help control bleeding and disinfect the area.
  • Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil has natural antibacterial properties and can be diluted with water or a carrier oil and applied to wounds.

It’s essential to have a good knowledge of local plants and their potential medicinal properties before using them on wounds. In some cases, an allergic reaction or skin irritation may occur, so it’s best to perform a patch test if possible.

6. Alcohol or Antiseptic Wipes

If you have access to alcohol or antiseptic wipes in your survival kit, they can be used for wound disinfection. Alcohol is effective at killing bacteria and disinfecting wounds. Here’s how to use alcohol or antiseptic wipes:

  • Clean the Wound: Gently clean the wound with the alcohol or antiseptic wipe. Be cautious, as alcohol can be painful on an open wound.
  • Irrigate the Wound: If you have access to clean water, it’s advisable to rinse the wound with water after using alcohol to remove any remaining contaminants.
  • Pat Dry: Use a clean cloth or gauze to pat the wound dry.
  • Dress the Wound: Apply a sterile dressing or bandage to cover the wound and protect it from further contamination.

7. Silver Sulfadiazine Cream

Silver sulfadiazine cream is an over-the-counter medication that is sometimes included in first-aid kits. It has antimicrobial properties and can help prevent infection in wounds. Here’s how to use silver sulfadiazine cream:

  • Clean the Wound: Gently clean the wound with soap and water, if available, or another disinfectant if not.
  • Apply the Cream: Apply a thin layer of silver sulfadiazine cream to the wound, ensuring it covers the entire area.
  • Dress the Wound: Place a sterile dressing or bandage over the wound to keep it clean and protect it from further contamination.
  • Change Dressings: Check and change the dressing as needed, following the instructions on the cream’s packaging.


In a survival situation, it’s essential to use any available resources and knowledge to properly disinfect wounds and reduce the risk of infection. While the methods described here can help disinfect wounds, it’s crucial to seek professional medical attention as soon as possible, especially for severe or deep wounds. Proper wound care is essential to promote healing and prevent complications in a survival scenario.